Personal Logo
My personal logo has taken a bit of a journey before it has landed on the icon that it is now. My original personal logo was created around the time I graduated from college and definitely shows my inexperience of thinking about my own personal branding. At the time I picked the elements of my person that I thought spoke most to who I was, and so I ended up with a logo comprised of my favorite hat and my eye glasses.

Once I got older and decided to revisit my personal logo, I decided that the old logo I had was not how I wanted to be known. It felt juvenile, and out of date; it was most definitely a product of its time. Now with more experience under my belt, I decided that I needed a personal logo that was more timeless and simplistic. Something that could be used just about anywhere and not look odd.
I still wanted to use the motif of my glasses, but I abstracted it. The glasses I wear while working are circle frame lenses, and so I played with the idea leaning heavily into circles as a motif. I also wanted to make sure my logo could be self-contained and never feel like it was too spread apart. And so I landed on a longer linear logo, and the small self-contained icon that could be used anywhere.